Personal Life Coach for Women

Christian life coaching principles of interest to women

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Location: Cary, North Carolina, United States

MDiv, CBC, Certified Christian Life Coach

Monday, January 01, 2007

A Time For Wisdom

Nobody likes to be told what to do. My husband calls it nagging. Why is it that we are so often quick to give advice or suggestions how something should be done, but aren't real good at taking other's suggestions or viewpoints. When I look at my life I have to acknowledge that I am not always quick to take advice nor do I particularly enjoy others trying to give me their advice or opinion; however, if I am really honest, this is nothing more than pride. It's the attitude that I somehow know better or have it together!

One day a pearl of wisdom hit me right between the eyes. I was listening to a talk by Andy Andrews on this subject. He basically related that we have only gotten as far in life as our own wisdom and decisions have carried us. So here's the thing, if you aren't happy with your life or are dissatisfied with your progress, could it be because your own limited understanding, thinking and experitse have taken you there? Think about it. You are as far in life as your own wisdom has carried you!

As I think about this New Year I realize that what I need is not more resolve or resolutions. What I need is more wisdom. My own wisdom or lack of it has often failed me. I believe the writer of Proverbs says it so well…

"Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice." (Proverbs 13:10 - NIV)

"For waging war you need guidance and for victory many advisors." (Proverbs 24:6 - NIV)

True wisdom says somebody else might know more or do something better than me. A wise person is one who is open to suggestions and advice. A wise person is one who is open to objectivity and not just to the limits of their own subjectivity. Maybe the questions we need to ask ourselves are not just how can we do this better but what can we learn from others who have gone before us and are doing it successfully.

What about the weaknesses that we are not in touch with, the things that are glaring for everyone else except us? Many people that we rub shoulders with on a daily basis, our friends, colleagues and family, often know us better than we know ourselves. What would it be like to ask a trusted friend or colleague what they think our weaknesses and strengths are or what we could improve? That might be a frightening proposition to you. Take a risk. You might learn something about yourself that you weren't in touch with.

During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln got into a dispute with his Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton. Lincoln had signed an order to transfer a regiment of soldiers from one battlefield to another. Stanton refused to comply with the orders and called Lincoln a "fool". Lincoln's response was very interesting. Rather than getting angered or stubbornly maintaining his position, he responded, "If Stanton said I'm a fool, then I must be one. He is nearly always right in military matters. I'll step over and find out what his reasoning his." Not only did President Lincoln listen to good advice and wisdom, but he prevented a military disaster from occurring.

Let me encourage you in this New Year to be a person who is open to wisdom. I believe wisdom is the roadmap to success. Why spend frustrating hours attempting to do or accomplish something only to have it fail. Ask God for wisdom. Seek it out. Learn all you can. Become a student. Ask others for their counsel. Seek out a mentor or two. If you will become a person who desires wisdom, you will not only have more victories and successes in your life, but will no doubt avoid some major pitfalls and wrong turns that you simply do not need to take!


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