What Is In Your Hand?
Sometimes we want to do or be something great or grand in life. We want to make or leave our mark in this world, and yet, it is often the small things done in great love that have changed the world. The small things we do on a daily basis, the gifts we use, simple acts of kindness we perform do add up. They do make a difference. As Mother Theresa once said, "we can do no great things; only small things with great love." Do you believe that small things done in great love will change the world? I do.
Remember the story of the Exodus? God had just announced to Moses that he is the one selected to rescue his people from the harsh rule of Pharaoh. Moses is completely stunned and argues that God has somehow made a terrible mistake. Who me? Wait a minute! Have you heard me speak? Have you forgotten? I don't speak very well, but more importantly, what if they don't believe me. The Lord's response back to Moses was in the form of a question. "What's in your hand"? Moses had a rod in his hand. Basically the Lord told him to use what he had in his hand. He asked him to throw the rod on the ground and it became a snake. The rest is history. Moses was willing to use what he had. You see, I believe Moses had to use what was in his hand before God would release what was in His. What's in your hand? Are you using what's in your hand?
What about the time when Jesus asked his disciples to feed a multitude of five thousand people and they basically in so many words said “with what”? All they had were a few fish and barley loaves. Yet Jesus took what they had fed a multitude of people and even had leftovers!
Are you waiting for a miracle? Ever considered you may be part of it? God is waiting for you to do your part. Waiting for your special break, your moment in the spotlight? Waiting for everything to line up in your situation or circumstances before you make your big splash? Do what you can today. What’s in your hand? Start where you are. Are you using what you have? Are you doing what you can today?
I read a great story in a book by Kim George about a developmentally challenged young man who had a job bagging groceries. He decided to cut up inspirational quotes and placed them in the grocery bags. Not only did it impact people, but long lines of people formed just to have him bag their groceries. Wow, who said a small act can't make a big difference? Who said a small act can't even lead to greatness?
What's in your hand my friend? What gifts do you possess? Are you using them? What simple act of kindness could you give someone today? What kind word or deed could you do? How can you make a difference in someone's life today with what you have to offer, with what’s in your hand? Don't be guilty of thinking the small things you do don't matter or count for anything. Use what’s in your hand. Do the possible and watch God do the impossible!
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