Filling Up the Love Tank
In Robert McGee’s “Search for Significance,” I read a survey that was alarming to me. In a recent survey done with Christians attending a Bible conference, 92% admitted that loneliness was a major issue in their life. Most of this concern related to feeling unaccepted and unloved.
Our biggest need as humans is to love and be loved. We go to a lot of trouble to get this love. If we are not overly indulgent in trying to love ourselves and fill our own love tank, we are seeking love and approval from others to fill it. We sacrifice great time, money, energy to make this thing work only too often to come up short or to find the love tank empty after all. What’s the remedy? Maybe we need to hear the words of the Psalmist.
“Satisfy us in the morning with you your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. (Psalms 90:14)
Satisfy us. I am reminded of the lyrics to a Mick Jagger song, “ I can’t get no satisfaction.” How true. Although the ads on TV, and everything around us, promise to give us satisfaction, they somehow just don’t deliver. We need satisfaction and the psalmist has it right. Where do we get it from? Because you and I are spiritual beings, we were made to be filled by the one who made us. We were made to be loved by Him and to in turn love Him. Until we connect with Him, our spirits and souls are barren. I am afraid all that is left are dry crumbs. It’s like living in a dry land where there is no water (sounds like my grass!) and definitely no satisfaction! Need some water for your parched places, need some real satisfaction?
Satisfy us with unfailing love. Unfailing! Really? What does that look like? We are not even sure we know. That sounds awesome but how could it be? All we have ever known are disappointments and failures from others. Unfailing- that sounds like a deal to me in a world where people let us down continually!
In life coaching women, I find one of the big things that women struggle with are relationships. We want to be loved and not only that we want to be liked! The problem comes when our self-esteem or self-worth is wrapped up in being loved or liked by someone else. We might be liked or loved but what have we sacrificed to get it? Was it worth it?
I believe there is a better deal and a better way to fill our love tanks with the real thing, an unfailing, non-ending supply. Hook up your tank to the One who made you. Cry out to Him to fill you up and watch Him satisfy your soul.
Our biggest need as humans is to love and be loved. We go to a lot of trouble to get this love. If we are not overly indulgent in trying to love ourselves and fill our own love tank, we are seeking love and approval from others to fill it. We sacrifice great time, money, energy to make this thing work only too often to come up short or to find the love tank empty after all. What’s the remedy? Maybe we need to hear the words of the Psalmist.
“Satisfy us in the morning with you your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. (Psalms 90:14)
Satisfy us. I am reminded of the lyrics to a Mick Jagger song, “ I can’t get no satisfaction.” How true. Although the ads on TV, and everything around us, promise to give us satisfaction, they somehow just don’t deliver. We need satisfaction and the psalmist has it right. Where do we get it from? Because you and I are spiritual beings, we were made to be filled by the one who made us. We were made to be loved by Him and to in turn love Him. Until we connect with Him, our spirits and souls are barren. I am afraid all that is left are dry crumbs. It’s like living in a dry land where there is no water (sounds like my grass!) and definitely no satisfaction! Need some water for your parched places, need some real satisfaction?
Satisfy us with unfailing love. Unfailing! Really? What does that look like? We are not even sure we know. That sounds awesome but how could it be? All we have ever known are disappointments and failures from others. Unfailing- that sounds like a deal to me in a world where people let us down continually!
In life coaching women, I find one of the big things that women struggle with are relationships. We want to be loved and not only that we want to be liked! The problem comes when our self-esteem or self-worth is wrapped up in being loved or liked by someone else. We might be liked or loved but what have we sacrificed to get it? Was it worth it?
I believe there is a better deal and a better way to fill our love tanks with the real thing, an unfailing, non-ending supply. Hook up your tank to the One who made you. Cry out to Him to fill you up and watch Him satisfy your soul.
thank you for posting this.
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