Personal Life Coach for Women

Christian life coaching principles of interest to women

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Location: Cary, North Carolina, United States

MDiv, CBC, Certified Christian Life Coach

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Don't Live Your Life Unplugged

Have you ever had good intentions only to not follow through? Ever started out on a new goal only to give out of gas after a only short time?

A common mistake we all make is to underestimate our own lack of strength, wisdom or creativity. We really believe we are a lot stronger and wiser than we are. We really believe we can do it by ourselves or handle things on our own. It seems ridiculous that we would "try" to live the Christian life in our "own" strength or resourcefulness. Jesus said, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing." Yet, we persist to do it our way as if we know better.

For example, we make it a goal to change certain behaviors or habits. We begin our journey of "self-discipline" only to fail after a short time. When we fail, we say to ourselves, "I will try harder next time". The hard core reality is that even the most disciplined and strong willed among us will eventually run out of steam at some point. A good battery will eventually die without a new one. A light that isn't plugged into the source simply will not burn. Doesn't it make sense that the One who made us would have a better idea about how our lives should go?

Despite our best attempts, I do not believe God intended for you and I to live life out of our own wisdom and strength. He does offer a better way and have a better plan for us than we can imagine. A very basic question we need to ask ourselves on a frequent basis is have we included God in our plans and goals? It seems simple enough, but it's really true. What does God think about the direction that we are headed in our lives? Does it ever occur to us that the One who made us might have a better idea of what we would be good at?

If God made you to be a square peg and you are trying to fit into a round hole, you are not going to enjoy that ride. Ever heard the expression, “Where God guides, He provides.”? It's really true. Sometimes our frustration comes from developing plans and goals that do not fit within our values, gifts or purpose. We are trying to be someone and do something that we simply aren’t wired to do.

The longer I live, I see my increasing need for God's wisdom, power, revelation, and truth in my life. I am very aware that, when left to my own good intentions and inventions, my life will only get so far. I believe when you and I plug into God on a regular basis, the "light" goes on in our life. His power intensifies in our life. His illumination intensifies in our life. God begins to give us insight into our lives. Not only do we get a clearer perspective about our lives, but our belief systems are challenged, refined, and strengthened. We begin to get new kinds of desires and motivations. We begin to be possibility thinkers because God is a possibility thinker. We begin to believe it can be done because God says it can be done. We have a stronger will to do things we probably wouldn't do on your own.

Remember those goals I talked about in the beginning? Well, the good news is that when we are plugged into the Source of life, even our failures and shortcomings are an opportunity to learn and gain new perspective. Have a failure, a blow up or a burn out? Plug back into the power Source!

The Apostle Paul declared that, even in his weaknesses, he could get excited or boast because in those weaknesses he got to see God show up and manifest His power. Ever felt like a failure lately? Well, God wants to show up and demonstrate His power in a new way in your life. God wants to give you new perspective, change your direction, and give you new truth about who you are as His creation.

In my opinion, the good news is that you and I don't have to do this thing called "life" on our own! Maybe, instead of more effort, we need more connection. Instead of trying harder, we need to learn to let go and trust more. Plug into the power Source. Get to know the One who created you. Lean on His wisdom and strength. Open your heart to the One who wants to give you His heart and perspective on your life. Let Him reveal new truths to you through His Word. Let Him begin to place His desires and dreams for you into your heart and life. Ask Him for the power to do what you could never do on your own! Don’t try to live your life unplugged.