Personal Life Coach for Women

Christian life coaching principles of interest to women

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Location: Cary, North Carolina, United States

MDiv, CBC, Certified Christian Life Coach

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It Is Your Choice

Before you hit the ground running today, you made several choices. You decided what to wear and even whether to eat or not. You even decided if you were going to have a good or bad day. Life is full of choices that we make on a daily basis. In fact, the most powerful thing we possess is the ability to decide. As humans we possess this great gift of having a free will. It can get us in trouble, but it also can lead us into life giving possibilities.

We are seldom without options or choices in this life. Even a person in prison can make decisions about how they will handle that experience. Their physical body may be confined but their mind and soul are not. Many times I hear, "well if the circumstances were different, I would do this and that.” Too often circumstances become an excuse for not taking action. Even in the worst of circumstances, there are still options and creative solutions, if you will look for them. Sometimes all you need is a new idea. There are even choices to make about how you will respond mentally and emotionally to your circumstances.

If your circumstances have limited your options, maybe it's time to consider how you can change your options. Is there something you can do? Maybe you can’t do or accomplish the big thing that is needed overnight, but maybe you could take small steps in the right direction. What small changes could you make to improve your present circumstances? What choices could you make from this day forward that would enhance your life, take your life in a better direction?

No one, my friend, can limit or take away your ability to decide or choose but you! You always have the freedom to make your own decisions. You and you alone have the power to decide how you will think, feel and act about anything that you are going through. You can see yourself as a victim of your past or present circumstances or you can see yourself as an overcomer. It really is your choice. You can decide it's a new day and then consciously move in a different direction or you can do the same thing you have always done and expect different results. Wasn't that Einstein's definition of insanity? Don’t forget! A decision not to do something is still a decision. No decision is still a decision!

When you and I realize that we have the power to choose, we begin to take personal responsibility for our lives. We get in the driver's seat and that's a great place to be when it comes to your own life. When we take personal responsibility for our lives, great freedom comes to us. As one person told me recently, "When I finally realized that I am the one responsible for my life and my decisions, I found new freedom. I can't tell you how liberating this has been for me!" YES IT IS! When we take personal responsibility for our lives, we move out of the "blame game”. We realize we are where we are in life and who we have become because of our choices!

I love this quote by Marilyn Ferguson, "Your past is not your potential. In any hour you can choose to liberate the future." So why not liberate your future today? You can choose to have a new future by new decisions you make today! The choice is all yours!