Personal Life Coach for Women

Christian life coaching principles of interest to women

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Location: Cary, North Carolina, United States

MDiv, CBC, Certified Christian Life Coach

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

In Everything Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is the time we set aside as a nation to give thanks to God for all of our blessings. For others, this season will be a very sad season due to recent fires in California, and even closer to my North Carolina home, the recent fire at Ocean Isle Beach where seven college students lost their lives. Yet God admonishes us that “in everything to give thanks.” I find that when God admonishes us to do something it is because we are the ones who receive the ultimate benefit.

So, this month I want to talk about the benefits, if you will, of giving thanks. Let me encourage you to see your life from a different perspective.

In EVERYTHING give thanks because…..

Each of us stands on the shoulders of all who have gone before us. We are who we are and have what we have because of others. No man is an island. We are dependant on others. We had a meal today because farmers grew food for us. Thank God for a group of men and women called the Pilgrims who many years ago braved rough seas and rough living conditions so we could live in a land of freedom. Who has impacted or made a difference in your life? Whose shoulders do you stand on?

In EVERYTHING give thanks because….

Even the difficulties and hardships of life have made us who we are. You don’t get wisdom without going through some painful difficulties and challenges. You don’t know what true success is until you experience serious setbacks. One man born without arms and legs was asked if he would trade places with a man who had both arms and legs. His surprising response was “no way.” He was grateful not to have his limbs because it had afforded him the opportunity to experience God in such a profound way and opened doors to impact countless lives.

In EVERYTHING give thanks because…..

Gratitude changes you. It changes your perspective. You begin to have a broader outlook on life. Instead of the narrow focus on what’s wrong, you begin to see and appreciate what is right about your life. You begin to understand that life, relationships and even each new day are true gifts to celebrate and treasure.

In EVERYTHING give thanks because……

When you get down to it, what better way is there to live? The healthiest, happiest and wisest people on the planet are grateful people. What are you waiting for? Don’t wait for Thanksgiving. Get out your pen and paper and start focusing on your blessings today!


Blogger Credit Helps said...

Good advice. It's always a choice to look at things with thankfulness, but not always an easy one to make.

4:03 PM  

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